Friday, May 8, 2009

Star Trek and the weekend

Going to see Star Trek tonight, I'll have some sort of a review up... Probably next Monday (I'm not exactly sure how to make posts from my BlackBerry yet...)

Mother's Day is Sunday, don't forget.

Also, a fairly big event is going on in Japan.
Shooto is bringing back some of it's biggest fighters from the past. Here's the fight card:
Shooto Lightweight Championship Takeshi Inoue vs. Rumina Sato
Takashi Nakakura vs. Takanori Gomi
Mitsuhiro Ishida vs. Mizuto Hirota
Kotetsu Boku vs. Yutaka Ueda
Megumi Fujii vs. Chu Won Bun
Kenichiro Togashi vs. Tetsuji Kato
Yusuke Endo vs. Willamy Chiquerim
Akiyo Nishiura vs. Takumi Ota
Zon Yon Ze vs. Takesuke Kume

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wizards Baseball Jersey

Here's what I've come up with for jerseys and hats for the baseball team I play on.Keep in mind that I would've put the logo all the way across the chest, but the way that we're having them done, that wasn't possible... So we added the number on the front too...
I think they'll look pretty good

Monday, May 4, 2009

Flight of the Conchords, and why are people so stupid???

About a week ago, a friend of mine asked if I'd like to go see The Flight of the Conchords with him at the Northrop Auditorium down at the U of M. His girlfriend was working that night, so he had an extra ticket. I'd seen their show a couple of times at his house and thought they were funny, so I figured I'd go.
Now, on to why people are so stupid. Once we got to where we were supposed to park, there was somewhat of a line forming, and we were about the 4th car back from making it into the garage. We were right behind a Dark Blue Honda Insight minivan. I had made the sly remark of "Watch, I bet they let that van in and tell us it's full." So we're moving forward and almost in the garage, when, lo-and-behold, the rent-a-cop telling people where to go, informs us that the Blue Van was "fittin' to be the last car in." We had a laugh because of the irony(and accent), and then moved on to the next parking garage, which was just down the street(and cheaper).

From the garage, we walked to The Northrop and got in line to get into the theather, we had to walk up a couple sets of stairs because we were in the balcony. W finally get to our seats and sit down and chat awhile before the show starts. All of a sudden there's an announcement on the loudspeaker, accompanied by an odd sounding alarm, that says something on the order of, "Ladies and Gentleman, there is an unknown emergency in the building. We are searching for the problem. In the meantime, we ask that you politely evacuate the building." We both assumed that it may just be a part of the show, and stayed in our seats. Most of the crowd seemed to have the same idea as us, so we just sat there and waited. Until I saw a guy with a walkie-talkie telling everyone that they should evacuate, just a a precautionary measure.

Well, we figured we had our seats reserved, so what's the worst that could happen? We might miss a little of the show if they somehow start it before we all get back in. Finally, after we had been waiting outside for a little while, the alarm stopped, and everyone filed back in. (Once again, I joked about the alarm going off as everyone gets inside, and it happened.) But as we were going throught the doors, someone noticed a sign on one of them. It read as such:


The Northrop Auditorium will be conducting

Fire Alarm checks from:

3pm to 11pm

With bells sounding after:


Please be advised that this is only a test

At this point, I'm ready to strangle whomever sets up the schedules at the U, or at least at the Northrop. Being an engineer, I know that you have to have your schedules straight, otherwise stuff gets double booked. I can't understand who would make such a stupid mistake. I don't know whether to blame the person who booked the show, or the person who scheduled the fire alarm test. Anyways, they both dropped the ball, so they should both be called Madam by everone who sees them (inside joke from the show).

Anyways, the show was awesome, Jemaine and Bret were at their best, performance and wit wise. And their opening act was very good as well, Eugene Mirman, I think I'll have to look into him a little more, I like his style of humor. Btw, the alarm set up for some good jokes along the way, with the show being labeled as "brought to you by the Minneapolis Fire Department". And Jemaine and the "New Zealand Symphony Orchestra", aka Nigel, having their own versions of the Fire Alarm, with Bret proclaiming, "Take that, alarm!"

I would highly recommend seeing The Flight of the Conchords if you ever have the chance, and I know I'll be going back if they come back next year. (Hopefully for a little bit cheaper though, almost $50 a ticket this time around)

Recap of the weekend.

Well, I certainly didn't think the Pacquiao/Hatton fight was going to end the way that it did. I just kinda figured that Pac-Man would grind out another tough fight and make Hatton quit, like he did to De La Hoya. BUT, it was instead one of the best knockouts I've ever seen. In Boxing or MMA.

The Celtics moved on against the Bulls, which, honestly, I didn't think would happen. I think Derrick Rose is a good player, and I thought he was going to lead that team into the second round of the playoffs. But in the end, the team I wanted to win did, I just want KG to get as many rings as possible so all of us Timberwolves "fans" can say, "See, look what you could've done if you would've been willing to wait it out and try to build around the ticket for a few more years." Anyways, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens in the next round, the Celts take on Superman and the Magic starting tonight.
BTW, in other NBA News, The King aka LeBron James was rightfully named the NBA MVP today. He deserves it, I can only imagine this is just the first of a few.
Well, I'm looking forward to a couple things in May, UFC 98 should be good, UFC 2009: Undisputed will be awesome, and the NBA and NHL Playoffs keep rolling on.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A BIG Saturday... Part 2

Well, so far, I'm 1-1 as far as betting goes (ESPN Streak for the Cash).
I picked the Caps over the Penguins, but lost when I picked Friesan Fire over Dunkirk in the Derby. I guess that's what I get for trying to pick Horse Racing... Oh well, I still have Pacquiao picked to win by KO, TKO, or DQ over Hatton to make me 2-1 for the day. I won't mind so much if Pacquiao wins by Decision(obviously), but if he loses, I think I'll just give up on SftC for the rest of this session(which will probably be until the end of May).

Man, I can't wait for Tonight though... Twins, and Bulls/Celtics at the same time, and Pacquiao Hatton to cap off the night!!! Man, I love me some sports.

A BIG Saturday for Sports fans...

Today is one of the biggest days for a sports fan in recent history(which, for me, is like 2 weeks). But anyways, here's what we have on tap for today...

NHL Playoffs, Capitals beat the Penguins 3-2

The PGA Quail Hollow Championship.(Not that big, but Tiger's in it, so it's big for the media...)

The Kentucky Derby @ 4pm

A few baseball games, including Twins vs. Royals @ 6pm.

NASCAR Under the lights in Richmond @ 6:30pm

NBA Playoffs, Chicago Bulls @ Boston Celtics, in one of the greatest series in NBA Playoff history. Game starts @ 7pm.

NHL Playoffs, Chicago @ Vancouver @ 8pm.

And the big one, around 10:30pm tonight, Ricky Hatton vs. Manny Pacquiao for the Jr. Middleweight Championship.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Update #1: Mauer hits a double his 2nd time up, and is hit in by Justin Morneau. Mauer stats for the season:


Hits a dinger in his first at bat for the Twins in 2009... Now let's hope that the rest of the team can play up to their potential so we can win a few games here.

Only 18 days...

Until UFC 2009: Undisputed comes out.

I can't wait for this thing. I've heard good things from MMA fans about it, and I've heard GREAT things from true gamers about it. So... here's hoping I have enough sick/vacation time for that week just in case I get a little addicted.