Thursday, April 30, 2009


Here's what I have to say... 2 things.
1. "People used to say we'd see a black president when pigs fly... Well, 100 days into Obama's presidency and... swine flu." -some conservative idiot(I'm assuming)
This has got to be the dumbest "joke" I have ever heard...
A. Pig's aren't flying, so that's a stupid connection in the first place.
B. The "Swine Flu" started long before Obama was even in office.

And here's another thing I've been thinking about.
Here's something I just found...
That's right... A kid from MN died from the Flu in January, not the "swine" flu, but the regular old flu that everyone hears about and get's a shot in the arm for every "flu" season. I'm sure there have been more since then, like there always are. But has anyone heard about them? I'm gonna say that the majority of people will have not. I'm not going to downplay the potential hazards of this flu, but I'm not going to live in a bunker all by myself just because someone contracted a virus. Settle down people, if you contract this flu, and you start feeling sick, go to your doctor and get the proper medication and everything will be just fine.

1 comment:

  1. LOL no shit, i dont know how many times i got that text. ahahah yeah people really need to calm down, UNLESS YOUR OLD OR SUPER YOUNG and your system cant fight it then WORRY. but otherwise CHILL PUM PUM
